The Works of P G Heron

Every so often I get an email from a man calling himself P G Heron. This mysterious character sends me poetry which is clearly the product of a dilated anterior fundus, no doubt brought on by excessive consumption of eggnog. If you wish to read on do be aware that by doing so you risk your eyes turning into soil.

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Chip Pan Fire

I started a chip pan fire
Not on purpose
I wanted chips
But I did it wrong
The threatening flames
Mocked my attempt

I placed an advert
In the Leicester Mercury
"For sale: Chip Pan Fire
Would ideally suit Fire Brigade"

Nobody answered.

I ran away.
My legs followed me.
I ran
And ran
And ran
With burning lead in my heart
And legs falling towards the concrete
I eventually reached the West coast of Britain
And set sail for America
Using my cagoul as a boat
And ears as oars.

I reached the New England shore
Where many surfers, bathers, wanna-be nudists and life-guards
Were laid out like debris.
I thanked them for their concern
Tucked my moist legs into my abdomen
And rolled my sphere
Across the landscape.

I raced, I sped, I plummetted down hill
And across astronomical flats
Through metric towns I burst
Flattening meat in my path
Through car showroom
And garage forecourt
Until I reached the sea
Until I met the Sunshine State.

Across the Pacific
Across the Russian tundra
Racing orb
Into Northern Europe
And back across the North Sea

When I arrived back at my luxury flat
The fire had died down
Someone had stolen the chip pan fire
And left a five pound note.
The bloody cheek.

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